Ryso EasyThumbs offers an efficient way for you to quickly and easily create an image collections to be published on the web. This smart and handy tool generates high quality thumbnails, links them to full size images and organizes them into web pages. You can also resize and modify the original images.
You can use default settings or pre-built HTML templates to create nice- looking pages with just a few mouse clicks. Alternatively, you can spend some time to customize look and feel of the pages - you have total control over every tiny detail of your website. Ryso EasyThumbs supports all popular image formats (bmp, gif, jpg, png etc.). You can also save the templates you create and later reuse them.
Some important features about the program:
1. You can create your own beautiful galleries.
2. You don t need to know the HTML code, the program will generate it for you.
3. Wizard-style user-friendly interface makes Ryso EasyThumbs manageable even for those who have no idea of WWW and HTML. Should you experience any troubles, extensive help will be available at any moment. Just press F1 to have every single detail explained in simple words.
4. With some knowledge of HTML, you can customize your pages in absolutely any way thus creating your own templates. No one will ever guess that these pages have been created automatically and not hand- coded.
5. Unprecentented flexibility and convenience allow you to have total control over the appearance of created web pages.
6. Wizard can automatically rename images by a name mask (a batch renaming).
10. Supports many image formats. It also allows for converting and resizing images through use of advanced algorithms, which was earlier available only in full-fledged image editors.
11. After creating a Web gallery(or galleries) you can get back to the starting point by using "UNDO" feature.
12. Enjoy how fast the program works - creating an image gallery has never been easier.