To run the system properly, a monthly entry should be made using the "budent" program. Care should be taken to preserve the "budget.dat" file as it contains all the data that you have entered. As soon as you enter some data the "budget.dat" will be created. The programs have been tested on the Windows OS. Printer problems may occur due to the resolution of some printers. "IMPORTANT" some of the programs won t work until 3 months of data have been entered. These are the programs in this system and what they do. budent.exe - This is where data is entered into the system. The income and expenses are tied to the beginning and ending check balance. budfixdt.exe - If you find a record that was entered with the wrong key, this program will let you change the key and preserve the record with the new key. (EX: 20050231 should be 20050229) budgetws.exe - Print this off so you can create a months figures on paper. This might make it easier to balance to the beginning and ending figures before entering them in budget.exe. budgmnt.exe - If a value is entered in the wrong place or for the wrong amount, this is where to fix it. The program will repeatedly check for an in balance condition and if not will give an amount + or -. budgprt.exe - This will print 3 months of data. DON T try to use this program before 3 months of data have been entered. budsel.exe - This will list on the screen 3 months of data. DON T try to use this program before 3 months of data have been entered. budyend.exe - Summarizes the Income/Expenses for whatever year that you enter. budfile.exe - Will list on the screen every record entered by ccyymmdd. This is the key of the records and only the ccyymmdd will be displayed. This will help when a program gives an error stating that an invalid ccyymmdd was entered. budyprt.exe - Prints a summary of Income/Expenses for whatever year that you enter and that is in the file.