Visual Lottery Analyser is comprehensive lottery analysis software with many unique features. It supports almost all of lottery games in the world and includes everything that you may need to play lottery, analyze, calculate and keep statistics of lottery games. It can help you to increase your chances of winning. Program use new innovative analysis methods like visual graphical analysis (including popular charts), mathematical analysis, geometry (special Ticket View), and even colors! New lottery theories are introduced: Ticket View, Contact and Outside numbers, Hot and Cold numbers. You can analyze single numbers, group of numbers, our special numbers, numbers in lines - blocks and more analysis methods. No more staring at tables of columns filled with numbers, that don t tell you anything. One look at a Graphic Analyser and you will know the probability of a number or group of numbers being drawn. Some of major features are Games Database for creating, setting up and opening lottery games. Drawings Database is for creating and managing the drawings. Lottery Analyser is dedicated to perform visual analysis of numbers, to show its frequency, occurrence and more. Mathematical Systems with editor, you can use your own numbers with mathematical systems. Mathematical Systems Reducer allows you to apply our filters to system and reduce the combinations to those that match your analysis criteria. Program comes to you with over 100 systems. Calculations & My Tickets are for performing financial calculations and managing your tickets. Statistics sheet and graph charts are features for keeping the financial statistics and track your hits. My Tickets Generator is a special tickets generator that use filters and analysis methods to generate tickets that match specified criteria. There are more other features like exporting systems and other data to Excel, printing various data. Add Game Wizard and Drawings Database Wizard will help to setup the program fast and easy.