AMI Pagan Daybook II is a Windows calendar which will help you keep track of the festivals and observances of the pagan calendar, the phases of the moon and the ancient and modern tides by the days of the week. It can be configured as both a stand-alone application to greet you when your computer wakes up each morning and as a Windows screen saver. AMI Pagan Daybook II features an extensive database of Greek, Celtic, Roman and Norse observances, full colour graphics, sound, animation and various bits of magick. You can query the database of observances, or amend the internal calendar of AMI Pagan Daybook II with festivals of your own and add your own graphics. We invite you to download a fully-functional evaluation copy and try it out. Register it as Shareware or choose the special half-price Bookware offer from Alchemy Mindworks. A decidedly different calendar and screen saver, AMI Pagan Daybook II is something unique for your Windows Startup group. Never miss another solstice, or more importantly, another saturnalia.