Perform circuit and network calculations, SWR, reactance conversions, and more.
The HAM Intelligent Calculator, or HAMIC, is a program designed to simplify a number of calculations commonly used by HAMs. It is designed for the HAM radio hobbyist, but may be useful to others as well. HAMIC has a simple to use, but powerful graphical interface that allows solving simple circuits such as resistors in series or parallel, or more complex circuits such as L networks or T networks. As well, other calculations such as SWR and reactance conversions are supported. One of the more powerful features of HAMIC is to solve for almost any unknown variable in a circuit; HAMIC can even solve L networks without having to use Smith charts. Also, HAMIC can easily convert between a number of different units. Once you have finished your work, your calculations can be saved to a worksheet and retrieved later. People interested in working with circuits or antennas should check this program out!