Content management, client based, graphical, handles html, xml, xhtml, dB, Flash
Consolo is a content management tool for web sites. It s handles everything from small to large web sites and is much aimed at developers who can modify it to suit specific needs, use it for Free and even sell it to their clients. Consolo comes with a graphical client which makes updating quick and easy. Batch-drag files directly onto your web site, edit contents in your favorite programs (e.g. Photoshop, UltraEdit, Word) and when you save, your web site updates automatically. Consolo handles all modern technologies such as html, xml, xhtml, databases and Flash. The web site has extensive help and developer s sections to set you off right away. Download Consolo now from, and set up your website (or apply to an existing) in 7 quick steps. You will soon realize Consolo offers unique features and is in the front line of web content management today. Don t miss out on it! This is what cms:es should be all about.