ShareApple Download -> Web Development -> Log Analysers -> CubeApacheStatistics

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Version:   1.1
Platform:   Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows200
Price:   12.14 USD [Buy Now]
Screenshot:   View Screenshot
License:   Shareware
Limitations:   7Days
Date:   2005-12-01
Size:   2.42
Publisher:   CubeReality

Most advanced ever existing conception of Apache WEB-statistics calculation

The main goal of this solution is to provide you with the most advanced ever existing conception of Apache WEB-statistics calculation. CubeApacheStatistics allows you to get a detailed statistics and analysis of your WEB-site visits and visitors (providing you with graphs and detailed HTML report document). Besides, with CubeApacheStatistics you will get a detailed info about countries your visitors come from. The whole process of statistics generation doesn t require any additional knowledge and actually consist from 5 steps (depends on the type of the log). Resulting statistics is adopted for extensive future use outside of the program (f.ex. for business presentations purposes) and includes extensive exporting and printing functionalities. If you need fast and extensive WEB-site statistics of a highest quality level, then CubeApacheStatistics solution is your choice number one.

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