m9P Surfer is a very fast light weight web browser developed by mental9Production! This web surfer is extremely small in size (less than 240K), thus, consumes very little system resources, and it is very fast. Having many of the options and functionalities expected from a modern web browser, m9P Surfer provides complete internet surfing capabilities.
m9P Surfer supports and manages Favorites and History. One interesting feature of m9P Surfer, is that it will automatically detect your Internet Explorer Favorites and integrate them into its own Favorites menu. You will not loose any previously added Favorites. Also, you can import your Netscape Bookmarks. As for History, you can easily access your recent http, ftp, or system files from the sidebar.
Being so light, m9P Surfer can be considered as an alternative solution for users who want their computers to remain efficient and optimized to run other application, while also browsing the web. So, ride the next wave with m9P Surfer and surf your way on the internet. m9P Surfer is provided free of charge courtesy of mental9Production, enjoy!