Spam Ghost is the answer to all of those forms you have to enter your e-mail address into, in order to gain information or access to services. We all know those addresses are used for spam, but yet we all have had to compromise the issue from time to time. Well, not any more.
Spam Ghost works directly with your cPanel account to create and delete forwarding accounts
on the fly, with just a single mouse click directly from your desktop. The software will either create a made to order forwarder based on your input, or create a random one for you. After it has suceeded in creating the account, it places the address into a self contained database for future reference / deletion and places the address into your system clipboard, ready to paste into that nosey little web form.
Spam Ghost is released as a feature limited trial. Until registration, the user will have to input their cPanel access details before each use. Upon registration, Spam Ghost will store this information permanently.