GoBox: New tool to access internet, maps, phones, eBay, AOL, movies, spelling...
GoBox instantly accesses google, yahoo, maps, news, phones, eBay, AOL, movies, spelling, stocks & more directly from your desktop. This revolutionary new tool makes finding the information you need quicker and easier.
-Provides instant access to over 90% of the average user s internet needs
-Returns results simply and quickly, saving you multiple steps and valuable time
-Performs multiple searches simultaneously
-Allows for customized searches
-Checks automatically to ensure you are online
-Easier and faster than any existing browser or search software
Current GoBox target search options include:
Google -Search the internet
AOL Search -Search the internet
Yahoo! -Search the internet
News -Search comprehensive news source
eBay -Search the wordl s largest auction site
MSN eShop -Search online shopping
Go to URL -Quickly opens any website or your home page
Send e-mail -Send a new e-mail from your desktop
Maps -Instant access to detailed maps
Home Phones -Easily find any home phone number
Business Phones -Easily find any business phone number
Movie Listings -View local screening times, reviews, and descriptions
Stock Quotes -Timely quotes for your favorite stocks
Spell Check -Spell check directly from your desktop