Active Progress Bar shows an html bar while you ASP script loads.
Programmer friendly because it uses VB script class.
No DDLs to install. 100% ASP VB Script
Easily integrate to your ASP applications using the #include
Add only a few lines of code to your ASP pages. Below is a sample code.
Response.Buffer = False
Server.ScriptTimeout =25000
Set pb = New clsProgbar
pb.Initprogbar "Test",100
for i=1 to 100
pb.showprogbar "Test",0
100% ASP Script source code. No dlls to install at the server.
Active Progress Bar Source Code Package
Active Server Pages (ASP) source code
requires Windows 2000 with IIS 5.0 or Windows 2000 with IIS 5.0
Visual Basic Scripting v 5.0
Installation and technical support by e-mail