DomaiNIC is a speedy
tool designed to generate and find good domain names easily. You can lookup multiple
domain names at once. The smart fully customisable Domain Name Generator and the
Domain Name Research Tool help you in finding good domain names that might yet
be available. You can get basic as well as advanced information about registered
domain names. Information regarding the owner and registrar, date of registration,
expiry date etc. of a registered domain name can be viewed with a single click.
The smart fully customizable domain name generator actually constructs popular
forms of domain names, based on keywords you provide. This ensures that you never
miss out on a domain name which JUST might be available. The DomaiNIC research
tool lets you do a quick survey of domain names for a keyword and then replaces
the results with another keyword to check for their availability. This provides
an alternative method for domain name generation. This also lets you quickly checkout
the kind of domain names already registered for a keyword or category. The Intelligent
Autofill Tool to enter domain names eliminates the tedious process of entering
each domain extenions seperately. DomaiNIC lets you save your search results so
that you can view them at a later date. You can even save incomplete searches
and continue them later. DomaiNIC generates fully formatted HTML reports.