Bulk Rename Utility is a utility which allows you to easily rename files and directories, based upon extemely flexible criteria. Add date-stamps, replace numbers, insert strings, convert case, add auto-numbers, process folders and subfolders....plus loads more! Features include:
-- Very easy to use
-- Rename files, folders or both
-- Remove or change a filename
-- Perform string substitution
-- Change the case of filenames
-- Remove characters or words
-- Remove digits or symbols
-- Append or prepend text
-- Append dates in many formats
-- Append the parent folder name, with multiple levels
-- Auto-number files with flexible rules
-- Automatically preview the new names
-- Sort the file details by any column
-- Group configurations into "favourites"
-- "Bulk Rename Here" Explorer extension
-- Handle Roman Numerals
-- Change timestamps on files and folders
-- Change attributes on files and folders
-- Directory recursion - process subdirectories too!
-- Rename files from an input text-file list
-- Extract certain tags from JPEG files.
-- Extract certain tags from MP3 files (ID1 and ID1.1).
-- Small memory footprint
-- Settings retained between sessions
-- True 32-bit application
-- Written wholly in Visual C++
-- Application is totally free!