PSYB Encrypter - Encryption Software designed to protect all your files safely and securely with strong and secure encryption algorithms. Aimed at those with large amounts of pictures, photographs, images video or movie clips that they wish to keep private and secure. These encrypted files can be safely viewed within PSYB Encrypter and after they are finished with are shredded to ensure security. Other files may also be encrypted and decrypted. PSYB Encrypter includes the ability to - increase the number of passes when shredding , display a slideshow , fit images to screen , scan sub folders for files , encrypt file names , automatically numerically rename files , shred individual files , auto detect for spyware , quick close ,be ran stand alone from CD/DVD , emailed with files at only 124k, autoclose if inactive and has a choice of three encryption algorithms including Blowfish. After 50 uses just the encrypt option will be disable all other aspects will stay the same.