Monitor one, is an easy to use and rich-featured SNMP Network management and monitoring application. It allows Network managers to monitor all of their networking devices (Routers, Switches, Servers, etc..) at a glance through an intuitive (native and web-based) graphical network map on a central Network Management workstation. Monitor one includes powerful features like: SNMP MIB data retrieval, MIB compiler, Status polling, Health polling, Threshold monitoring and Trending, Syslog server, Device discovery, Alerting and a MIB browser. It uses an unbeaten Error-control mechanism to prevent superfluous and incorrect alerting, supports alerting by e-mail, alerting by speech, the execution of programs or scripts triggered from events and has a sophisticated, build-in Trap receiver with filtering capabilities. SNMP data retrieval is based on the shooter concept (in-house development). You are not only limited to using the standard, predefined shooters to retrieve SNMP tables and graphs but you can also easily create them yourself with just a few clicks. Seven licence types available (S-type,M-type,L-type, 3 upgrade types and Enterprise). Small networks (less than 8 objects) can be managed for free.