ALifePower game is an incredible puzzle entertainment, enhance your quality of life. It can help sharpen your reflexes and keep thinking fast. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic, depending on your skill and experience. Otherwise game add intuition, recognition, patience,memory and count test.Game has been touted by some teachers as an exercise in logical reasoning, patience, mnemonic memory and count. Because the game can be geared towards a specific age group or experience level researchers feel that the game is perfect for anyone. The challenge of having to use logical reasoning, memory,count is the key to game becoming a tool for player who want a brain stimulus.ALifePower game is fun, challenging, and addictive!
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Reasoning: Game trains your reasoning ability. Game include Sudoku solve by logic reasoning only.It can accomplish providing exercise for the brain. Because the game is logically based.
Patience: Game trains your patience ability. Game takes patience and reasoning to complete you are using a part of their brain.
Memory: Game trains your memory ability. Game is a program that designed to improve your mnemonic memory. It s based on memory exercises. Test your memory skills with least number of tries possible.
Intuition: Game trains your intuition ability. Game based on what you "feel" is the right , rather than calculating complex variations.
Recognition: Game trains your recognition ability.Game include number, color and 3D recognition.
Count: Game trains your count ability. Game challenges player to develop counting, sequencing, and one to one correspondence.