{smartassembly} is an Improvement and Protection tool, designed to help .NET developers efficiently produce better software.
It provides a unique solution to optimize your .NET assembly, protect your work and software, minimize distribution size, increase performance and add powerful post-deployment debugging capabilities.
{smartassembly} efficiently enables you deliver a smart version of your .NET application, in no time, and with exceptional ease.
This user-friendly tool offers you, and every .NET developer, an easy way to:
- merge your main assembly and its dependencies into one file (for easier deployment),
- remove all non-useful code and metadata,
- obfuscate your software and encode all the strings, to further improve protection,
- perform other code optimizations, and
- add automatic unhandled exception reporting, via a 24x7x365 web service, to radically simplify the debugging of your obfuscated / deployed assembly.
You can choose the language of the reporting forms, and report exceptions automatically for batch application monitoring. You can customize the Exception Reporting UI to match your own corporate or product specific UI, and add custom information such as serial number, contact, email-address, etc.
A fully-featured evaluation version is freely downloadable at http://www.smartassembly.com.