Personal Finances is is easy and powerful tool to control your money flows. It will help to stop wasting and start saving your money. Personal Finances is saving you time, just a few minutes are needed to note all your spendings. Personal Finances has been designed to run on USB drives, thus you can always use it wherever you are: at home, at work, in trips or elsewhere. Just plug a USB-flash in and enjoy controlling your money.
Can run straight from a USB flash drive.
Multi-base support. Allows you to create unlimited number of databases.
Detailed information for any time interval.
Unlimited number of sections and categories.
Unlimited number of sub categories and sub sections.
Unlimited number of different currencies supported.
Unlimited number of accounts (wallet, bank account, credit card, etc.).
Expense record keeping.
Income record keeping.
Expense planning.
Currency exchange.
Sort by any field.
Group by same name supported.