NetDog Porn blocker, block porn websites on the internet easily! Special Intelligent content Filtering Engine block porn websites on the Internet. The content filtering engine examines in real-time all the data (such as Web sites, e-mails, net chat contents, FTP, P2P) being transmitted and received through any Internet applications automatically. NetDog Porn blocker also can block URLs which you have defined.( supports WildCard Characters ? and * in URL, also you can define a word such as "porn", that means all URLs contain word "porn" will all be blocked ). You can also block all URLs except some special URLs you have decided not to block. Because netdog porn blocker was embed into windows operation system, so None can stop filtering, except logining into NetDogAdmin to change settings by passwords.Just Download this netdog block porn and start with it,you ll find how easy it is to block porn websites. After you have installed NetDog porn blocker, you may test the program by visiting an adult-related website. ... If you can not open those porn sites, that shows your netdog porn blocker is working ok now. NetDog porn blocker,block porn easily! Block all porn websites now! NetDog block porn easily and effectively, block porn, porn blocking !
NetDogSoft Porn Blocker (C)2005 - 2006 Website: