Predict 7 out of 10 Disk Drive Failures Has a disk on your main server failed? Hopefully, you have some sort of RAID implementation in place or last nights backup available. But wouldnt it have been nice to have warning before the failure? Then you could have replaced the drive before the problem. Well, now you can with Intelli-SMART. Based on the S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) Specification which was adopted by ALL major Hard Disk Drive Manufacturers, hard drives and RAID Arrays can be continuously monitored for performance and the user or administrator alerted prior to a disk drive failure. The robust reporting engine can locally alert the user, send an e-mail, write to the event log or use an SNMP hook. Intelli-SMART brings storage fault tolerance to every desktop or server in the enterprise. Pop Up Notification Of S.M.A.R.T. Error The Local Alerting is complemented by a fully configurable remote alerting engine that allows e-mail notification of a detected S.M.A.R.T. Error. The email contains the Machine Name, Drive Number, Model and Serial Number for easy identification. Remote systems anywhere in the world, as well as systems on internal networks, can be reliably monitored from a central location. Intelli-SMART is compliant with the industry standard S.M.A.R.T. Specification as defined by the Small Form Factor Committee consisting of most major disk drive manufacturers, OEM s and system integrators.