The SP_SC converter is intended for compiling the panoramic scenes (spherical and cylindrical panoramas) in ready HTML web page or in PE/EXE module.
This module contains the built-in spherical viewer SP Inc., which has the ability to conduct virtual "walks" on a panorama. Wide Screen mode - will allow you to see details of a panorama, when using a small monitor.
SP_SC provide multiple ways to present your panorama. Professional and beginners alike will be able to build impressive PE/EXE or HTML web page. The coverter offers the following solutions.
Link spherical panorama, cylindrical panorama to build a CD based PE/EXE file
Link spherical panorama, cylindrical panorama to build a Web based HTML web page
Customize color of viewer graphic skin and scene visually
Customize visual mode ("Standard", "Wide screen")
Generate panorama as small CD module PE/EXE format, which is easily to write on CD, CD-RW or DVD disk and no plug-in necessary when viewing.
Generate panorama as small HTML web page, which is easily to insert in your home internet Web Page and no plug-in necessary when viewing.
SP_SC has been designed to be user-friendly.