SoftXML provides a variety of useful products for web developers and website owners. Today we propose following unique tool for you: XML News Editor. This tool makes news administration tasks on your web site as easy as 1,2,3...
Our editor comes with build in two layouts for your web page:
List style option
Paging style option
These styles comes as:
Includes for ASP page.
Javascript includes for html page.
You need just to place these includes anywhere on web page.
Easily integrated to any website (no database required).
No JavaScript or ASP knowledge required.
Sources available.
Changing layout order of news items with drag and drop.
Hiding some news items without deleting.
Option for news management for different user groups on your web site like: different news for loged in users and for non registrated users.
Full support for html tags inside news items
Limiting number of news items on web page and much more...
Operating Systems:
XML News editor interface + functionality (MS Internet Explorer)
Layout presentation layer
MS Internet Explorer