MxCalc is a 4-in-One Utility tool.It comes with a Unit Converter, Scientific Evaluator, Loan Calc. & Amortization table. Upgrade from any unit converter, loan calculator, Amortization calc. program which you are currently using and get additional discount of $2. Also get Free Updates!! (For upgrading simply email the product name and order details on Unit Converter :- Most comprehensive collection of units. 100+ Categories, 1000+ units, 10000+ Conversion. Constant values. Swap conversions. Can add new units and property groups. Easy to use utility, no need to program before using.
Scientific Evaluator:- Evaluate expressions and directly convert them using the unit converter utility. Superlative collection of operators. Memory Functions. Instant reference to recent calculations. Function Categories Math, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse, Hyperbolic Functions EXP, LOG, LOG2, LOG10, ABS, SGN, SQR, RND, INT, SQRT, SIN, COS, TAN, COT, SEC, CSC, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ACOT, ASEC, ACSC, SINH, COSH, TANH, COTH, SECH, CSCH, ASINH, ACOSH, ATANH, ACOTH, ASECH, ACSCH, Loan Calculator :- Calculate the Total interest, monthly interest, monthly payment, monthly breakup on Principal paid and interest paid. Easy to use. Complete chart of all the months
Amortization Table:- Generate Amortization table with Escrow and Extra pricipal as optional inputs. Easy to use. Complete chart of all the months.