The IBasic Learning Edition programming language features a syntax similar to BASIC with all the power of Windows. Includes built in lessons to help the new programmer get started. Capable of creating full Windows 9x and XP applications in fewer lines of code then comparible languages. The Learning Edition was specifically designed with the beginner in mind.
Full MDI support with dynamic window, dialog, and control creation. Over 300 built in commands and functions! Can call external DLL s for unlimited extensibility. Structured data types fully supported. Graphics primitives supported. Random access and flat file I/O functions. Memory allocation functions. DirectX and Direct3D support. Common control support including rich edit, list view, status controls and toolbars. Embedded browser windows allows creating web enabled applications.
2D game support includes easy to use commands for creating, hit testing and moving sprites. Scrolling tile maps allow creating unlimited fields of play from only a few small images.