Chart java applet software to generate dynamic charts and graphs within JSP, servlets or java applications - bar, line, pie, stacked and grouped charts in 2D and 3D with a wide range of parameters and chart types. Main features: Charts in 2D/3D, Anti aliasing, Multi language support, Cross browser compatible, Java Script parameter control, Data labels, Contextual data drill down, CSV data sources, Trend calculation, 3D depth control, Multiple y-axis, Automatic chart scaling. Main Chart and Graph types 2D/3D Bar Graph, 2D/3D Line Graph, 2D/3D Pie Graph, 2D/3D Stacked Bar Graph, 2D/3D Stacked Percentage Bar Graph, 2D/3D Horizontal Bar Graph, 2D/3D Area Graph, 2D/3D Percentage Area Graph, XY Scatter Graph, Doughnut Graph, Min/Max Stock Graph, Min/Max/Close Stock Graph, Open/Min/Max/Close Stock Graph, 3 Dimensional Bar Graph